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Safe and Healthy learning environment for all children

The environment has to be ready and beautiful for the children so it invites them to work freely. The prepared environment is important part of learning n teaching at Vertex Guru Education. The development of the child is mainly dependent on the environment she or he is in, and this environment also includes the parents. Keeping this in mind VGE comes up with a new concept of “Parents Time with Kids” in School, where parents are free to come, witness and be a part of their child’s learning directly.

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Etiam rhoncus leo a dolor placerat, nec elementum ipsum convall Maecenas at arcu risus scelerisque laoree.

Aliquam erat volutpat In id fermentum augue, ut pellentesque leo. Maecenas at arcu risus. Donec commodo sodales ex, scelerisque laoreet nibh hendrerit id. In aliquet magna nec lobortis maximus. Etiam rhoncus leo a dolor placerat, nec elementum ipsum convall.